Available Industrial Properties

North Baltimore currently has 2 Prime industrial-development sites available, each strategically located with “best in class” direct access to the I-75 corridor and only minutes to the CSX Intermodal facility, making this a key logistics play with heavy haul permits available.


Market Access

Regionally, North Baltimore is located within a day’s drive of nearly half the U.S. and Canadian industrial markets. Within a 300-mile radius, our region has access to the most industrial square footage in the U.S. and Canada. No other site in North America can make a similar claim.


Logistics & Transportation

In 2011 CSX put North Baltimore on the map when they built their state of the art intermodal facility. In 2018, the CSX railroad pledged restructuring lanes to their system whereby the majority of containers terminating or originating in Ohio will run through the gates in North Baltimore. The Lake Erie Port of Toledo is a multi-modal transportation hub. The seaport, rail station, two airports and Foreign Trade Zone 8 are managed by the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority.


Education & Workforce

Community colleges in the region excel in preparing and accrediting students in their state-of-the-art facilities in the area of advanced manufacturing technology including programs in manufacturing materials and processing, automation and robotics, metrology, mechanical design, electronics, renewable energy, welding, and more. Area community colleges are also working closely with area businesses to help them meet the training needs of existing and future employees.

Workforce within 45 minutes


Todd Dickerson

Principal Consultant


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